他煮的意大利面, 照片是用小米手机拍摄。
Friday, November 29, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Icity 游记
泰国同事来这,她特别要求带她们去i city。
放工后带她们去吃haji samuri 吃satay, 我点了鸡,鱼肉的,再点nasi goreng kampung , Bihun goreng . 她们的最爱竟是 “ nasi goreng kampung " ! !!还问我recipe,我无言.... 我是要她们试试马来西亚的satay !!!
话说泰国也有satay "木"(猪肉satay) 也是不错吃的,之前去泰国公干是也常吃,猪肉好吃点,只是马来西亚的source 比较浓郁,花生比较多。
有心型哦,每秒有惊喜哦,颜色一直 变。
iPhone panorama view i city
她最爱- 太阳花
Thursday, November 7, 2013
最近淘宝乐,东买西买,哈哈突发其想! blink blink 买yogurt 机?! 最近爱喝yogurt,减肥嘛。。。
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
姐建议去yuan kee 溢记吃海南鸡扒,用了wave 好不容易找到目的地才发现没开,白走一趟.. 过后我们就来靠近shaw parade 的叶合记吃Yong tau fu.
我们在这被取笑, 好多人看我与姐趴车。笑吧.....
我姐驾她那辆Altis 出门,我最怕驾大车,(注:阿笔是驾小车的)好难趴车。 无奈....我们好不容易找到一个车位偏偏我姐没胆,教/叫我帮忙我转进转出,过程中还是被没耐心的吉隆坡人horn,从觉得吉隆坡人很冲忙很没耐心,红绿灯了还没几秒又被horn,如果不是爸与妹上来,我应该不会有机会来吉隆坡玩。好压力的城市人! 阿笔住在离吉隆坡差不多有30-40的小镇, 沙亚南。工作也离家不远,所以没机会/没必要就不会驾车来吉隆坡市中心。
言归正传,姐与姐夫带过我来吃过, 味道还不错,汤底有酸菜味还蛮开胃(早餐变午餐,三个女人磨磨索索后才出门,快把爸给饿坏。自己骂自己没心肝)
Fuzhok 炸的脆脆地,爸说好吃!
吃饱了就去time square 走,妹发现这玩意,踩下去里面的水团会散开,我觉得可以当做做运动。另一个玩意儿是会发出音乐的钢琴键梯级,抱歉没照片,有video。不晓得如何upload。
有一区是台湾街,走走累了就歇一歇,其实是脚累死咯!吃了士林豪大大鸡扒+ sharetea lemon honey juice,
Here's the place
Restoran Yap Hup Kee
45, Jalan Brunei Barat, Off Jalan Pudu, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur
55100, Malaysia
Restaurant D&R ( flying roti canai)
Taman bidaru selayang
Sunday, November 3, 2013
蓬莱@The garden
爸爸与妹妹从南马上来吉隆坡找我与姐。我们带爸去吃的第一站: 蓬莱
Friday, November 1, 2013
Homemade vanilla
Make Your Own Vanilla Extract for Less Money (and Bigger Flavor)
Some things aren't really worth the time and energy to make at home when you can just buy them, but vanilla extract isn't one of them. Making it is easy, and you'll get a superior product at home for less money than you'd spend on the same quantities in the grocery store. Here's how it's done.P
All you really need are vanilla beans (available in the spice or bulk section of your grocery store) and a cup of vodka, rum, or bourbon. If you have a well stocked bar, you may have these already, but any brand will do and you only need a cup. You'll also need a few clean jars to keep your homemade extract in. One bean, split open lengthwise, submerged in one cup of vodka, in a tightly sealed jar. That's it. Store in a cool, dark place and let it infuse for about a month (the longer you let it infuse, the stronger the vanilla flavor).P
Chow explains that using vodka gets you the closest to a clean, pure vanilla extract so it's recommended for first timers, but if you want something special, try rum or bourbon:P
Using vodka for the base creates a vanilla extract with a neutral, all-purpose flavor, but we found that other liquors like rum and bourbon could also be used to add different flavors to your baking. Try a rum-based vanilla in rice pudding sprinkled with raisins, or top a steaming mug of Irish Coffee with some bourbon-vanilla whipped cream.P
Use within a year, and you can keep refilling your container with liquor as you dip into it to extend its life, as long as you replace the beans as they give up their flavor (every three to six months). The best part of the trick is that you get way more extract than you would if you just bought the same amount, and you get a far better ingredient for coffee, baked goods, and other recipes than if you grab the cheap stuff at the store.P
Vanilla Extract | Chow
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